abortion--a woman commits the sin of fornication and then commits the sin of murder against an innocent baby in the womb. The baby is not a part of the woman's body. The woman is a carrier for a different life form. Fornication is a sin in God's eyes. Abortion is murder in God's eye.

agnostics--those who insult God by falsely claiming that God did not give them enough knowledge to know of his existence.

Abrahamic Covenant--

Achilles--was a pagan re-writing of the Protoevangelium after the Tower of Babel.

Act of Supremacy--this law was created by King George III so that he could override the Pope and marry Ann Boelyn. It basically established the Anglican Church, which was nothing but another Catholic Church ran by the king instead of the Pope.

Ark of the Covenant--

agape love--divine love which comes from the study of Scripture. Application is the proof that one has divine love.

Age of Aquarius--A song which is preparing the world for the new age of the Antichrist.

Alexander the Great--he hellenized the world, bringing the Greek language of the Bible to most nations.


American Revolution--Puritans no longer wanted a king to take advantage of them by the claims of divine right, so they rebelled and established an enlightened nation governed by biblical insights.

Amillenialists--those who spiritualize the six references in Revelation 20 to make the false claim that there is no literal 1000 year Millennial Kingdom.


angels (fallen)--


animal rights--



Aramaic--chapters 2-7 were written in Aramaic so that the entire known would would know about the coming of the Messsiah.

archaeology--the art of digging in the ground and finding artifacts which keep embarrassing skeptics, because more biblical evidence is revealed.

arrogance-a person who elevates his own human opinion above the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.

astrology--signs in the stars which originally pointed to Christ, but at the Tower of Babel, they were changed to glorify Satan.

atheists--those who know that God exists, but they are too foolish at admit it.

Arminians--those who falsely believed that they have enough good in them to choose God.

Assyria--The prophets warned Israel that if they did not return to Jehovah, then Assyria would place hooks in their nose and take them captive.

Atilla the Hun--

Babylon--The prophets warned Judah that if they did not return to Jehovah, then Babylon would destroy their temple and taken them into captivity.

baggage--everyone come to the table with baggage, especially the un-neutral atheist.

Baptists--an ecumenical denomination that tolerates calvinist, arminian, pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, conservative, and liberal theology. Basically, the sheep choose the doctrine of the shepherd.


Beatles--a satanic music group who wrote music to glorify eastern religions.

Bible--a book that can only be understood by the elect and by divine illumination.

bias--everyone comes to the table with bias.

Big Bang--a belief system where biblically ignorant scientists think that everything exploded out of nothing.

Blood moon--there will be give blood moons before and during the Great Tribulation. Many charismatics are claiming that the modern blood moons will usher in the second coming of Christ in order to sell books and make lots of profit.

Book of Mormon--a false addition to the Scriptures which teach that Jesus visited Indian tribes in America.

Bush, George Jr.--

Byzantine Empire--Constantie transferred the Roman Empire to Constantionople and preserved the Greek Scriptures.

capital punishment--was created by God to protect man fem himself.

charismatics--those who do not have enough bible doctrine to realize that they are trafficking with demons.



church--an Arminian mistranslation of ekklesia, which means called out ones.

Clinton, Bill--

clockmaker--the original creation was created by a perfect Clockmaker, but the clock was disrupted after the Fall.

Code of Hammurabi--Mesopotamian laws which were patterned after the Mosaic Law. Liberals attempt to give the Code an earlier date so that they can claim that the Mosaic Law came from the Code of Hammurabi. This attempt is nothing but biased history who wish to remove God from secular education. 

conservatives--a biblical conservative is one who believes in the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God. A political conservative is either a biblical conservative, or an immature believer, or a christ-rejecting conservative who elevates his own political philosophy over the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.

communism--a satanic inspired government which exists to censor the gospel.

continental drift theory--the false theory that continents divide over a long period of time. Instead, they divided one time during the global flood.

Council of Nicea--


covenant theology--those who claim that God is a liar and he will not keep all of the promises which he made to Israel.

curtains--the curtains in the Holy of Holy were miraculously torn from above when Jesus was crucified, meaning that everyone now had access to the Lamb of God.

de Leon, Ponce--


divine viewpoint--


Egypt--a nation which destroyed itself by violating the Abrahamic Covenant by enslaving Israel. 

election--God elected some before the foundations of the world. God allowed others to be born into history to make their own choice.

enemies--Paul commanded believers to make their enemies their friends by sharing the gospel with them.

Epicureans--"Let's eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die". (This is the philosophy of satanism)

evolution--a belief system where biblically ignorant scientists think that Jesus evolved from a monkey.

evolution in public schools-The question is not "should evolution be taught in schools". The real question is "should truth be taught in schools".

eternity--a dispensation of time after the Millennial Kingdom which is mentioned only in Revelation 21-22.

existentialism--the philosophy that there is no god, so life is meaningless.

Exodus archaeology--

(the) force--the yin-yang good and evil forces of paganism.

Fall of Rome--the teachings of the Apostle Paul brought down the Roman Empire.

Fall of Satan--

feminism--started with Adam and Eve attempting to control each other after the fall.

flaming swords--the first capital punishment was protecting man from attempting to eat from the tree of life after the fall of Adam and Eve.

Flood Archaeology--



Fountain of Youth--

fossil record--the fossil record was caused by the global flood.

French Revolution--after the French nobility persecuted the Protestant Hugeonots out of France. the godless Catholics reigned terror on their political enemies by kangaroo courts and guillotines. 

Freud, Sigmund--

Gilgamesh, Epic of--Mesopotamian literature that was written after the languages were confused at the Tower of Babel. The literature mentions corrupted versions of the creation, the Fall of Satan, the Garden of Eden, and the global flood. Liberals predate it before the Genesis account so that they can hint that the Bible is not inspired, but drawn from other secular sources.

global warning--a political process to eventually establish a global tax in which the Antichrist will control.


Greeks--Daniel predicted the rise of the Greek Empire 200 years in advance.

hate crimes--hate crimes were invented by liberals who want to silence pastors who teach the biblical view that homosexuality is a sin against God. Those who reject God as Creator will eventually turn into a homosexual or lesbian. Homosexuals underneath the Mosaic Law received the death penalty.

Hail Mary--

head coverings--wives are required to wear head-covering during church assemblies in order to show that they are under the authority of their husbands. Feminism has seeped into the church and shamed wives into not following this biblical doctrine. Angels attend church assemblies and observe wives to see if they are following this biblical doctrine.

hellinization--Alexander the Great conquered the entire world and required his tribute nations to learn Greek language and culture. This led to the translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. When Jesus and the apostles arrived, the entire world could speak, read, and write Greek.

Hercules--the Greek son of God who was part man and part god. He was the Greek perversion of the Messianic seed which was predicted in Genesis 3L15.



Hitler, Adolph--a humpty-dumpty ruler who attempted to rebuild the Roman Empire. He attempted to exterminate Jews so that they could not cry out for their Messiah and usher in the second coming of Christ.

Hinduism--a satanic religions which teaches humans to find god by mediating and clearing their mind so that demons can possess them and give them false information and occultic powers.

human viewpoint--

Humpty Dumpty--a leader who desires to rebuild the Roman Empire, such as Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, and the future Antichrist.

idolatry--the worship of demons through idols. When a person worships an idol, he is actually worshipping a demon who despises and hates his subject.



Jesus Christ--the second person of the Trinity, the Messiah of Israel, and the God of the universe who became a man so that he could die for the sins of all men. His resurrection proved his deity.


King Henry VIII-a Catholics king who kicked out the pope so that he could marry the young, pretty Ann Boelin. He established the Anglican Church, which is nothing but another Catholic Church where the king is both king and pope of England.

Koran (Quran)--teaches that Jesus is just a prophet underneath Mohammed.

Koine Greek--Alexander the Great hellenized the world, making Greek the language of the world. Koine Greek was the common vernacular of most of the Roman Empire during the time of Jesus.

Latin Vulgate--an attempt by Satan to replace the Greek Scriptures with corrupted Latin scriptures.

liberals--those who elevate their human opinions above the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God.

Lutherans--falsely teach that the church has replaced Israel. They also teach limited atonement, meaning that Christ only died for the elect. This is a violation of 1 John 2:2, which states that "Christ died not only for our sins, but the sins of the wholes world:.

hair (long)--the Mosaic Law recorded that long hair was a disgrace to men. Those men who wear long hair are either biblically ignorant or biblically rebellious.

language--God used language to speak the universe into existence. 



limited atonement--Five-point Calvinists teach that Christ died only for the elect, which is a disagreement with Scriptures. According to 1 John 2:2. "Christ died not only for us (believers), but for the sins of the whole world."

Lincoln, Abraham--

Luther, Martin--Martin Luther studied the Scriptures for himself in the original languages and found out that the Bible does not teach works salvation, but instead it teaches salvation by grace alone by faith alone in Christ alone.


Mars Hills--

mastodons--Mastadons were found buried in ice with undigested fruit still in their stomachs. The temperature would have to drop to -300 degrees instantly for this to happen. This was the exact conditions when the ice canopy from above burst open and the freezing rains came from the heavens.

mature christians--those who fill their soul with bible doctrine at the deepest level from the entire counsel of the Word of God.

Methodists--falsely teach that man is not totally depraved, was mentioned in Romans 3:10-11. They teach that man has enough divine spark in himself to choose God on his own. He also teaches that a man can lose his salvation, which is a violation of John 10:27. 

Medes--they joined with the Persians to defeat Babylon, just as Daniel predicted.

Millennial Kingdom--a literal 1000 year kingdom where Christ will rule with a rod of iron.


Mishnah--the Oral Law of the Jews in which Jesus condemned. Jesus always taught "it was written" to show that the Oral Law was mand-made. 


moderates--liberals who do not have the forage to admit that they really are liberals.


Mosaic Law--the atonement of Christ made this law inoperative, but it is good for lawmakers to study because it reveals the mind of God.


mystery--new revelation in the New Testament which was not revealed in the Old Testament.

Napoleon--a humpty-dumpty who attempted to rebuild the Roman Empire.

Narnia Chronicles--C.S. Lewis wrote these children's stories to teach them deep spiritual truths of Scripture.

Nazism--a satanic inspired government whose goal is to exterminate the Jewish race so that they cannot call out for their Messiah at the end of the Great Tribulation.

neutrality-a state of mind which does not exist. Every person is either for Christ or against Christ. Every person is either going to spend eternity in heaven or in the Lake of Fire.



New World Order--a political philosophy which is attempting to develop the one world government of the Antichrist.

New Worlds Translation--the Jehovah Witness translation of the Scriptures which mistranslates all of the passages which deals with the deity of Christ.




Oracle of Delphi--the occultic Greek priests filled their temple prostitutes with drugs, had them speak in tongues, and then the priests deciphered the tongues, all for a price. This practice seeped into the Christian churches.


Oral Law--


Pax Romana--


pre-tribulation--The Rapture was a mystery, revealed only in the New Testament. The Second Coming of Jesus was revealed many times in the Old Testament. Therefore, they must be two different events. The pre-tribulation rapture is imminent and can come at any time. The Second Coming will arrive exactly seven years after the Antichrist signs a peace treaty with Israel.



planned parenthood--





pteradons--actual birds with feathers in which evolutionists have altered their outer appearance to make it fit their theory.

postmillennialists--those who falsely claim that Christ will not protect his bride during the Great Tribulation.

propitiation--means satisfaction. God is so angry at man for his sins. that God will send all men to the Lake of Fire to burn forever. However, Jesus died on the cross for man's sin. If man will believe in Jesus as their substitute, then God will be satisfied with this decision and he will not send man to the Lake of Fire for eternity.

pyramids--cities of the dead for Egyptian rulers who were involved in the occult.

questions--atheists are asking the wrong questions.

racism--We all come from the genes of Noah. Racism comes front the total depravity of man.

rapture--the imminent return of Christ which will precede the visual second coming. The Second Coming was predicted in the Old Testament. The rapture was a mystery, or new revelation of the New Testament. Therefore, the must be different events.

Reformation--a protest which began after societies began reading the Bible for themselves. They discovered that the Catholic Church was censoring the truth from them.

religion--i'll keep my religion out if you keep your atheism out.

Renaissance--societies left the emptiness of Catholicism and returned to the humanism of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures.

Romans--Daniel predicted that the Messiah would come during the days of the Roman Empire.

Rubio, Mario--"We are at the water's edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech, because today we've reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage you are labeled a homophobe and a hater.  So what's the next step after that?  After they're done going after individuals, the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the catechism of the Catholic Church, is hate speech and that's a real and present danger."


Sabbath--the Sabbath was made inoperative at the atonement of Christ. The New Testament church can worship on any day in which the elders decide.


Samson--a spiritual weakling who possessed supernatural physical strength. He did not possess enough bible doctrine to serve the Lord properly, so he committed the sin unto death.

satisfaction--Man can never be satisfied in the satanic world system, because God has placed the yearning for eternity inside of his soul.

sacraments--a works salvation system invented by Catholics which replaces the biblical teachings of faith alone by grace alone in Christ alone.

salvation--According to Acts 16:31, all one has to do is to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved".

Sargon the Great--He was King of Assyria. At one time, liberals claimed that he did not exist, so the Bible must be inaccurate. Then, archaeologists found his name on several documents.

second coming--Christ will not return until the Jews cry out, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord". Since the rapture is imminent, these must be two different events.

sedimentary rocks--



sin unto death--




Star Wars--an epic film which teaches Hinduism.

Tabernacle--the earthly tabernacle was made from the pattern of the actual tabernacle in heaven.

Talmud--the writing portion of the Jewish Mishnah, or Oral Law. Rabbis regard the Talmud as equal to Scripture. It is filled with superstition and errors. This is a man-made addition to Scripture in which Jesus condemned.

teasing--God teases us with creation so that we will be curious to know him better.

Textus Receptus--

tongues--Peter and the disciples spoke in their own language, but everyone heard the message in the language of their birth. The speaking of tongues was a judgment upon Israel, meaning that the temple destruction of 70 A.D. would soon follow this miraculous event. Tongues disappeared after the Temple destruction. Satan is now masquerading a false tongues movement in charismatic churches to deceive those who are not grounded in the entire counsel of the Word of God.

Totem Poles--

Tree of Good and Evil--

Tree of Life--




Washington, George--




women's rights--

zodiac=means the way to God.