2 Timothy Chapter 4

Charge to Timothy Repeated

4:1 I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:

All believers will be judged at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Some of them will be living, because they will be caught up at the Rapture. Those who died in Christ will also be caught up to heaven in their glorified bodies just moments before those who are alive. Both groups will be judged for their good works during the Great Tribulation while they are up in heaven. At this time, both groups will receive crowns and rewards. The crowns and rewards are different. Some Bible teachers falsely teach that the rewards are crowns, and the crowns will be thrown at the feet of Jesus. It is true that the crowns will be thrown at the feet of Jesus, but the rewards will not. Some believers will receive no crowns and no rewards.

Unbelievers will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment. They will be judged by their works. If they have one or more sins in their life, then they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. Everyone at the Great White Throne will be judged guilty and sentenced to the second death. The second death is living eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Paul reminded Timothy that the Lord Jesus Christ will judge all of the living and the dead, including Timothy. Therefore, Paul is going to use his apostolic authority to command Timothy to complete a task.

4:2 Preach the message, be ready whether it is convenient or not, reprove, rebuke, exhort with complete patience and instruction.

The Greek word for "preach" is κηρύσσω (karussow), an aorist active imperative verb, meaning a command to immediately go into town, blow the trumpet to get the attention of the people, and proclaim in a loud voice the critical message from the king.

The Greek word for "message" is λόγος (logos), meaning the thoughts of God. Paul commanded Timothy to immediately go into town and herald the mind of Christ.

The Greek for "be ready" is ἐφίστημι (ephistami), an aorist active imperative verb, meaning a command to immediately stand up and give an extremely urgent message.

The Greek for "whenever it is convenient" is εὐκαίρως ἀκαίρως (eukairois akairois), meaning when there is an opportunity in season and when there is not an opportunity in the offseason. Timothy was commanded to urgently herald the Word of God any time of the day or night, any time of the year, and under any and all circumstances. 

The Greek word for "rebuke" is ἐλέγχω (elegko), meaning to show to be guilty with compelling evidence. If a Jewish person believes that Jesus is not the Messiah, then Isaiah 53 is compelling evidence against this false notion. If a person in India believes that there are many ways to God, then John 14:6 is compelling evidence against this false idea. If a member of the electorate believes one should be tolerant of same sex marriage, then Romans 1 shows compelling evidence that this person is wrong. The Bible is compelling evidence against the liberal who elevates his human opinion above the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God, because it proves him to be wrong every time. This is why the liberal has banned the Bible is public schools. 

The Greek word for "rebuke" is ἐπιτιμάω (epitimaow), meaning to warn against something that is wrong. For example, the Bible warns that those who reject Christ will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Most people with human view point think that this is a terrible thing for one to say, but it is the truth. Otherwise, unbelievers would go through life committing sin and thinking that they are getting away with it. When they step up to the Great White Throne, they would say, "Lord, you never told me that I would burn in the Lake of Fire forever. If you would have just warned me, I would have changed my opinion about you." Therefore, all parts of the Bible must be taught, especially the warnings. Weak baby Christians do not like to be warned and they will often chide the pastor-teacher or leave the church when these warnings are taught. This is why seeker churches have such high attendance. The pastor-teacher of these kinds of churches stays away from the warnings and tickles the ears of the congregation with praise, encouragement, and uplifting stories. This kind of teaching will produce mega churches that are being primed to become mass casualties during the angelic conflict.

The Greek word for "exhort" is παρακαλέω (parakaleow), meaning to walk parallel to another believer and encourage him. This is the paraclete, one of the names of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit walks parallel with the believer who is in the will of God and encourages him. When a believer is sound in the Bible doctrine of the entire counsel of the Word of God, then he will produce divine viewpoint works. These works will come to the attention of the demonic world. They will begin to persecute the believer in order to stop his work. The Holy Spirit walks parallel with the believer and encourages him through this process. The Bible is to be used to encourage other believers. The mature believer has no problem with persecution and even expects it. However, he also understands that he possesses the God of the universe inside his physical body. He has the Holy Spirit walking parallel with him. God is his shield. The Holy Spirit is his guide.

The Greek word for "patience" is μακροθυμία (makrothumia), meaning to control one's temper. A mature believer does not get angry when things do not go his way. He understands that the mastery and application of Bible doctrine is going to produce divine good works which will eventually come into conflict with the goals of the demonic world. The mature believer will not lose his temper over these issues, because he has the maturity structure to understand that God has allowed these sufferings in his life. The Bible teaches believers how to be in control of their tempers even at the most difficult times.

The Greek word for "instruction" is διδαχή (didaxay), meaning to learn from a body of instruction. The body of instruction is Bible doctrine, which is found in the entire counsel of the Word of God. Bible seminars will not mature the believer. If a believer wants to mature, then he must learn the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ can only be learned by studying the entire counsel of the Word of God at the deepest level through a gifted pastor-teacher. This is the purpose of the YEBC Study Bible.

Paul commanded Timothy to teach all of these things at every opportunity. He was to be the herald of the King. He was not commanded to use sensationalism, prophecies. tongues, words of knowledge, healings, miracles, skits, plays, or videos. He was command to "teach the Word". This is all that a modern pastors is commanded to do today. He is to "teach the Word" in every opportunity which God gives to him.

4:3 For there will be a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching. Instead, following their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves, because they have an insatiable curiosity to hear new things.

There are very few people in America who will tolerate sound teaching. Expository Bible-teaching churches are on the way out. No one wants to hear solid Bible teaching. They are not interested at all in learning Bible doctrine. They think that they are interested in learning the Bible, but then they attend churches with shallow teaching. They will bypass a church that is sound in doctrine, because it may be too small, or the people are not friendly enough, or they do not like the pastor or his presentation style. This is just simply the reaction of a totally and depraved sin nature that does not have enough Bible doctrine stored in the soul to even be able to choose the proper church that one should attend.

If a believer has not studied the entire counsel of the Word of God from the original languages from a gifted pastor-teacher, then he will choose a church that is entertaining, uplifting, convenient to his home location, denominational, or a church where his family and friends attend. This is a sign of spiritual immaturity. Mature believers will stay away from these kinds of Churches. Mature believers will attend a church where the entire counsel of the Word of God is taught at the deepest level. The mature believer will want to know what exactly does this passage teach in the original language? What is the mind of God? How can one learn about the mind of God at the deepest level? It is difficult to even get this message across to the average Christian who has read some of the Bible, but not all of it. This type of Christian is arrogant enough to think that he already is mature and he is in the right church. He does not need to understand the entire counsel of the Word of God, because he already knows enough. He does not need to study in the original languages, because English is enough. This is arrogance. These kinds of believers will find themselves in shallow churches. They will find themselves in the angelic conflict as either missing in action, ineffective, or a casualty of war.

Most believers today want to hear new things and try new methods. The methods that they choose are the methods of the satanic world system. In verse 2, Paul commanded Timothy to proclaim the gospel by four and only four methods. He is to proclaim the gospel by reproving, rebuking, exhorting, and instructing. This is a good message for seeker pastors today.

4:4 And they will turn away from hearing the truth, but on the other hand they will turn aside to myths.

Most believers today are not interested in hearing the truth. If a pastor teaches the Book of Revelation, then the pews will be filled. If a pastor teaches the Book of Romans, then the pews will be empty. Most believers would rather hear a teaching on the Antichrist than they would on Christ. The believers of today would rather hear myths of charismatics dying and going to heaven, than they would expository teaching from the Word of God. The charismatics would rather listen to people speak in tongues than listen to the sound teaching of the Word of God. Charismatics would rather observe supernatural hearings rather than learn the mind of Christ. Those in seeker churches would gladly replace Bible study with entertainment.

Timothy was warned about these types of believers. As the Rapture draws near, there will arise more of these types of churches.

4:5 You, however, be self-controlled in all things, endure hardship, do an evangelist’s work, fulfill your ministry.

As the church grows more corrupt, Paul commanded Timothy to keep self-control in all things. Since he will be teaching hard Bible doctrine, he will be persecuted by the enemy, so he needs to be prepared. He is to do the work of an evangelist, meaning that he needs to take the good news to those who have not heard. There was no electronic media in that day, so Timothy would have to take the good news by word of mouth and written correspondence, just as Paul had done. Timothy was to fulfill the ministry that God gave him.

4:6 For I am already being poured out as an offering, and the time for me to depart is at hand.

In the Mosaic Law, there was a drink offering that was poured out to God. Paul was on his deathbed, about to be executed. Since he was a Roman citizen, he would be beheaded. As his head was cut off, his blood would rush through the severing like a drink offering that was poured out at the altar. Paul's life had been poured out to God, similar to this Levitical drink offering.

The Greek word for "departure" is ἀνάλυσις (analysis), meaning the untying of a servant animal from his yoke. Paul was a servant of Christ. He was now being untied, free from his work, and free to come home to the Lord.

4:7 I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith!

Paul was a soldier of God and he had fought the good fight. Paul was an athlete for God who had won the race and became a champion. Paul was a servant of God who had kept the faith by teaching sound Bible doctrine.  Death by execution could never rob him of this victory.

Notice that Paul did not want his name inscribed in stone. He did not want any churches, buildings, or streets named after him, like so many carnal and Christian men today. His life was simply a drink offering, an offering that honored God. The drink offering would be poured on the altar of God and go up in smoke, a smoke that smelled favorably to God.

4:8 Finally the crown of righteousness is reserved for me. The Lord, the righteous Judge, will award it to me in that day – and not to me only, but also to all who have set their affection on his appearing.

The Greek word for "crown" is στέφανος (stephanos), a crown that was awarded to winning athletes at the Greek Olympic Games. It was also the crown of thorns  which Jesus wore at the cross. The Lord Jesus Christ will be sitting at the Bema Seat, waiting to award this victory crown to Paul. Eventually, Paul will give this crown back to Jesus, because Paul could not have won this victory without Christ. Paul will receive other rewards that he will be allowed to keep for eternity, but the crowns will be given to the One who helped him earn them.

All of those who are awaiting Jesus to return will receive this same crown. There are other crowns mentioned in Scripture as well, such as a soul-winners crown, a crown of righteousness, and an elder’s crown.

Travel Plans and Concluding Greetings

4:9 Make every effort to come to me soon.

Paul was lonesome in prison. He wanted to see Timothy again face-to-face.

4:10 For Demas deserted me, since he loved the present age, and he went to Thessalonica. Crescens went to Galatia and Titus to Dalmatia.

Demas left Paul, because he was in love with the world. He loved the night life, the prostitution temples, and the drunken orgies of the satanic world system which had permeated Rome. He was given the opportunity to work side by side with the Aposlte Paul, but he chose the night life of Rome. Paul mentioned this deserter by name, something that a seeker-friendly pastor would never do. The seeker-friendly pastor will starve his congregation to death, but he will never condemn their sin.

Crescens left for Galatia for some reason, but that reason is not recorded in Scripture.

Titus went to Dalmata, but he was most likely sent by Paul, since he was one of Paul's pastor-teachers who faithfully taught the Word of God. Paul could have used his apostolic authority to keep some of these pastor-teachers around, but it sounds like he sent them out to do God's work. However, dogmatism on these views cannot be held.

4:11 Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is a great help to me in ministry.

Dr. Luke most likely was kept around to give Paul medical attention and to finish writing the Book of Luke and Acts. During Paul's second missionary journey, he did not believe that Mark was a help to him, so he sent him away. It seems that Barnabus was correct, as later in Paul's ministry, he desired Mark to be with him, because he was profitable in the ministry. Mark eventually wrote the Book of Mark.

4:12 Now I have sent Tychicus to Ephesus.

Tychicus was the Pastor of the Church in Ephesus. Paul could not keep him around, because he was building Bible doctrine in the souls of the Ephesians.

4:13 When you come, bring with you the cloak I left in Troas with Carpas and the scrolls, especially the parchments.

Paul was cold in prison, so he need his cloak. He also wanted some reading material to relieve the boredom. He most likely wanted the Scriptures, which were written on scrolls and parchments during this time.

4:14 Alexander the coppersmith did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him in keeping with his deeds.

This is most likely not the same Alexander that Paul condemned to Satan (1 Timothy 1:20), since he added the title "the coppersmith." This coppersmith did a great deal of harm to Paul. Paul did not seek personal revenge, but he left him to the Lord to judge. Notice that Paul had no problem calling out the names of his enemies in public letters. This is something that a seeker-friendly pastor would never do, because he does not want to offend his congregation and take a loss at the collection plate.

4:15 You be on guard against him too, because he vehemently opposed our words.

Timothy is warned that he already has a powerful enemy who will come against the Word of God. Alexander the coppersmith was one of those laymen who are all smiles, until he placed a dagger in the back. Those who teach the Word of God faithfully will possess bloody backs.

4:16 At my first defense no one appeared in my support; instead they all deserted me – may they not be held accountable for it.

Paul brought the pagan Gentiles to a true and saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, yet none of them were present to support him at his first trial. 

4:17 But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message would be fully proclaimed for all the Gentiles to hear. And so I was delivered from the lion’s mouth!

Satan is a roaring lion who attempted to devour Paul. However, Paul was delivered from the lion's mouth at this time so that he could proclaim the gospel to kings and governors and high officials of Rome. Paul was kept around a little longer, because there were still Gentiles who needed to hear the gospel from Paul.

4:18 The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed and will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever! Amen.

Paul was delivered from evil so that he could proclaim the gospel to all those who were chosen before the foundations of the world. Paul knew that he would eventually be taken out of this hostile satanic world system and he would be transferred into heaven. God gave glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for making this transition possible.

4:19 Greetings to Prisca and Aquila and the family of Onesiphorus.

Prisca and Aquilla were the married couple who taught Apollos in Ephesus. Onesiphorous was one of Paul's loyal co-workers who did not forsake Paul. Onesiphorus often visited Paul in prison.

4:20 Erastus stayed in Corinth. Trophimus I left ill in Miletus.

Erastus was an old assistant of Timothy. As the New Testament was coming to a conclusion and the Temple Destruction of 70 A.D. was just a couple of years away, Paul had lost his apostolic healing powers. Paul could heal people to authenticate that his message was from God. Now that his letters and been scattered throughout the churches of the Roman Empire, the doctrine of the New Testament church was complete. The apostolic miracles were no longer needed. The doctrine of the New Testament church was contained in these epistles. Therefore, Paul was not able to heal Trophimus.

4:21 Make every effort to come before winter. Greetings to you from Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers and sisters.

Paul was freezing to death, so he really needed that cloak before winter. Although everyone else had departed from Paul. he still had a few brothers and sisters in Christ who were caring for him.

4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.

These are the last written words of the apostle Paul. He prayed that the Lord would show them kindness and lead them by the Holy Spirit. Paul was later executed, but his letters brought down the Roman Empire. Many read his letters, and they knew that the Roman emperor was not a god. They refused to offer incense, choosing martyrdom over submission to a false human god. The courage of these believers led to curiosity. This curiosity led to the reading of Paul's letters. Knowledge from Paul's letters swept throughout the Roman Empire and it fell. One little blind man produced eternal consequences that rippled the satanic world system. These letters will continue to cause ripples, all the way up to the Rapture, through the Great Tribulation, and maybe even into the Millennial Kingdom. Paul was about to die, because he was found not fit to live by the satanic world system. However, the Word of God continues. Paul will live with Christ for eternity.