105:1 Give thanks to the Lord! Call on his name! Make known his accomplishments among the nations! 


The author of Psalm 105 is unknown. Many theologians believe that the author is David, because the first part of the song is the same as 1 Chronicles 16:8–22, which tells about the time David brought the tabernacle into Jerusalem. This song is a review of Israel’s history. It was sung at the Jewish festivals.


The psalmist asked the congregation to give thanks to Jehovah. Jehovah is the covenant-keeping-promise-keeping God of Israel. The psalmist asked Israel to call upon the name of Jehovah. He asked Israel to make Jehovah’s accomplishments known among the Gentiles.


105:2 Sing to him! Make music to him! Tell about all his miraculous deeds! 


Israel was commanded to sing and make music to Jehovah. Music was created to praise Jehovah. Most modern music of the satanic world system praises sex, drugs, sin, and occultism. 


Israel was to tell the world about the miraculous deeds of Jehovah. Most of the modern satanic world system tells others about the miraculous deeds of a false theology called evolutionism. Evolutionism is nothing but new-age pantheism. Man was made in the image of God, not the image of monkeys. 


105:3 Boast about his holy name! Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! 


Israel was to boast about the holy name of Jehovah. The name (or character) of Jehovah is holy, because it is set apart above all other names. Every being in the world is a created being, except for the Triune Creator God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have never been lonely, because they have been around for eternity. No other creature can make this claim.


It is foolish to believe that matter is eternal. According to the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics, matter is decaying. Therefore according to the laws of science, matter cannot be eternal. Original sin has caused the physical bodies of all of creation to decay, but God will give the believer a new body which will never decay. Evolution cannot produce this kind of man. If evolution was true, then all evolution could do is produce a man who dies.  God can take a dying, decaying man and give him an eternal glorified body which will never decay or never die.


105:4 Seek the Lord and the strength he gives! Seek his presence continually! 


Israel was to seek their strength from the Lord. They were to seek His presence continually. 


Man can only seek the strength and presence of the Lord through the written Scriptures. Man does not need a human psychologist for his personal problems. He just needs to study and apply the Bible at the deepest level.


105:5 Recall the miraculous deeds he performed, his mighty acts and the judgments he decreed, 105:6 O children of Abraham, God’s servant, you descendants of Jacob, God’s chosen ones! 


The psalmist asked Israel to remember their history. God performed many great miracles among Israel. Israel was chosen by God to be the only nation in history who would observe all of these miracles. 


105:7 He is the Lord our God; he carries out judgment throughout the earth. 


The Hebrew for “the Lord our God” is יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֵ֑ינ (Jehovah Elihi-nu), meaning our Covenant-keeping-promise-keeping-triune-creator-God. God is the Judge of all of the earth. He is a righteous Judge who cannot be bribed. He administers and executes His judgment upon all of the earth. Evil rulers and corrupt judges may think that they are getting away with their sin, but they must all answer to the King of kings and Judge of judges.


105:8 He always remembers his covenantal decree, the promise he made to a thousand generations— 105:9 the promise he made to Abraham, the promise he made by oath to Isaac! 


God made an unconditional promise to Israel called the Abrahamic Covenant. God promised Israel an eternal land, the Messianic seed, and to be an eternal blessing to all other Gentiles. This covenant was promised to Abraham. It was repeated to Isaac.


There are some theologians who teach that Jesus will return during the 1,000th generation of Abraham. This could happen, but it must be remembered that the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent. Since the writings of Paul, the Lord Jesus could have returned at any time in history. It is possible for the Rapture to take away all believers and the Second Coming of Christ to be executed several centuries later.


105:10 He gave it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as a lasting promise, 105:11 saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance.” 


The Abrahamic Covenant was repeated to Jacob. It was later given to all of Israel. This covenant was never transferred to the church.


There are some theologians who are called Amillennialists and Postmillennialists. They believe that this promise of the Abrahamic Covenant wad taken away from Israel and given to the church. They must spiritualize the many passages in Scripture to make these verses fit their humanistic philosophy. They must turn the literal words of the written Word of God into metaphors, similes, and other figure of speech to teach their erroneous view. Therefore, It is important to note that the church has been grafted into the promises of Israel, but they have not replaced Israel.


105:12 When they were few in number, just a very few, and resident aliens within it, 105:13 they wandered from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another. 


Abraham’s tribe of less than 70 people traveled from Ur, to Haran, to Canaan, to Egypt, back to Canaan, and then back to Egypt once again.


105:14 He let no one oppress them; he disciplined kings for their sake, 105:15 saying, “Don’t touch my chosen ones! Don’t harm my prophets!” 


Pagan kings attempted to take Abraham and Isaac’s wives into their royal harems, but God disciplined these pagan kings with the kind-for-kind curses of the Abrahamic Covenant. The surrounding nations were learning not only that the God of Israel was real, but they were not to mess with God’s chosen people.


105:16 He called down a famine upon the earth; he cut off all the food supply. 


When the Gentile nations violated the Abrahamic Covenant and oppressed Israel, then God brought famine upon them.


105:17 He sent a man ahead of them— Joseph was sold as a servant. 


God sent Joseph into slavery to warn Egypt not to violate the Abrahamic Covenant.


105:18 The shackles hurt his feet; his neck was placed in an iron collar, 105:19 until the time when his prediction came true. The Lord’s word proved him right. 


In the pain of slavery, God used Joseph to witness to Egypt about the One True God.


105:20 The king authorized his release; the ruler of nations set him free. 


The Pharaoh of Egypt listened to Joseph and set him free.


105:21 He put him in charge of his palace, and made him manager of all his property, 105:22 giving him authority to imprison his officials and to teach his advisers. 


Joseph was promoted to the second command of Egypt. From this position of leadership, Joseph was able to control the Egyptian educational system. He was able to teach the Egyptian advisers about the One True God.


105:23 Israel moved to Egypt; Jacob lived for a time in the land of Ham. 


The Canaanites were such an evil influence upon Israel, that God moved Jacob and his family to Egypt. 


105:24 The Lord made his people very fruitful, and made them more numerous than their enemies.


These Egyptians despised shepherds, so they refused to intermarry with the Jews. They moved Jacob’s family to Goshen, which was the most fertile land of Egypt. This change of location kept the Jewish tribes away from the evil influences of both Canaan and Egypt. The Jews flourished and multiplied. Their population increased in 400 years from 70 people to over two million. 


105:25 He caused them to hate his people, and to mistreat his servants. 


A new Egyptian Hamitic dynasty ousted the Shemitic Egyptian dynasty. The new pharaohs enslaved Egypt and forced them into hard labor. The Jewish nation was forced to build the cities, fortresses, religious institutions, and roads of Egypt. These skills helped the Jews to become master architects.


105:26 He sent his servant Moses, and Aaron, whom he had chosen. 


Moses and Aaron were chosen to free the Jewish people from the slavery of Egypt.


105:27 They executed his miraculous signs among them, and his amazing deeds in the land of Ham. 


God performed miraculous signs in Egypt, yet most of the Egyptians and the Israelites still rejected Jehovah. If a man is totally depraved and evil, then miracles will not convince him to follow God. God must change the intellect of the individual, or no one would be saved. One must be born from above.


105:28 He made it dark; they did not disobey his orders. 


Egypt worshiped the sun god Ra, so Jehovah brought darkness upon all of Egypt.


105:29 He turned their water into blood, and killed their fish. 


Egypt worshiped the Nile River as “the artery of Egypt,” so God turned the Nile into a flowing river of literal blood.


105:30 Their land was overrun by frogs, which even got into the rooms of their kings. 


Egypt worshiped Heqet the frog goddess, so Jehovah gave the Egyptian people all of the frogs that they wanted. Their beds were full of frogs.


105:31 He ordered flies to come; gnats invaded their whole territory. 


Egypt worshiped the smelly dung beetle. Modern Egyptians still wear the image of the dung beetle on their scarabs. God gave Egypt all of the dung beetles that they deserved.


105:32 He sent hail along with the rain; there was lightning in their land. 


Egypt worshiped the sky god, so he gave them plenty of hail, rain, and lightning.


105:33 He destroyed their vines and fig trees, and broke the trees throughout their territory. 


The hailstones destroyed all of the agriculture of Egypt.


105:34 He ordered locusts to come, innumerable grasshoppers. 105:35 They ate all the vegetation in their land, and devoured the crops of their fields. 


Egypt worshiped the locust, so God called locusts to eat all of the agriculture of their land.


105:36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land, the firstfruits of their reproductive power.


God worshiped Pharaoh as a god. The Pharaoh's first-born son would become Egypt’s next god on earth. Therefore, God took away the firstborn of all of Egypt. After God had executed His ten plagues of Egypt, then Egypt asked Israel to leave. However, Egypt did not convert to the One True God. Egypt continued in her polytheism, even tough she had witnessed the truth.


105:37 He brought his people out enriched with silver and gold; none of his tribes stumbled. 


Jehovah brought all of the Jewish slaves out of Egypt as a wealthy nation. Israel would need this wealth to jump-start her new economy in Canaan. Not one person was lost to the Egyptians.


105:38 Egypt was happy when they left, for they were afraid of them. 


Egypt did not want to mess with Israel’s God anymore. The satanic polytheistic religious system of Egypt could not stand up to the One True God of Israel.


105:39 He spread out a cloud for a cover, and provided a fire to light up the night. 


The Shekinah Glory provided shade during the day and light at night.


105:40 They asked for food, and he sent quails; he satisfied them with food from the sky. 


The Israelites received manna from heaven, but they complained. God sent them quail from the sky. In the wilderness, there was a chicken in every pot.


105:41 He opened up a rock and water flowed out; a river ran through dry regions. 


How do you find water for two million people in the desert? Moses spoke and God brought forth water from desert rocks.


105:42 Yes, he remembered the sacred promise he made to Abraham his servant. 


Jehovah remembered the Abrahamic Covenant.


105:43 When he led his people out, they rejoiced; his chosen ones shouted with joy. 


During the Exodus, the chosen people of Israel shouted for joy.


105:44 He handed the territory of nations over to them, and they took possession of what other peoples had produced, 105:45 so that they might keep his commands and obey his laws. Praise the Lord!  


God vomited the Canaanites out of the land and gave their land to Israel. God established the Mosaic Law. God should be praised for the execution of His divine plan.