150:1 Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary! Praise him in the sky, which testifies to his strength! 


Psalms 146-150 were Hallel songs which written to praise Jehovah. The author(s) are unknown, These songs were performed by the Levites at the Jewish festivals.


Jehovah should be praised. He should be praised in His sanctuary and in His heavens. The heavens of God are a daily testimony of the omnipotence of God.


150:2 Praise him for his mighty acts! Praise him for his surpassing greatness! 


Jehovah should be praised for His mighty acts. He should be praised for His greatness.


150:3 Praise him with the blast of the horn! Praise him with the lyre and the harp! 


Many churches will not allow musical instruments in their worship. This is nothing but legalism. During the Millennial Kingdom, Jehovah will be praised with horn, lyre, and harp.


150:4 Praise him with the tambourine and with dancing! Praise him with stringed instruments and the flute! 


Jehovah will be praised with tambourine, stringed instruments, flute, and dancing. The dancing will not be sensual. It will be a non-sensuous dance which glorifies God.


150:5 Praise him with loud cymbals! Praise him with clanging cymbals! 


Jehovah will be praised with loud cymbals.


150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!


All of creation will praise Jehovah.


It is important to note that humanism is the opposite of praise. Liberals think that humanism glorifies mankind, but it actually degrades mankind. Instead of thinking with the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, the humanist thinks with the mind of one who is totally depraved and evil. He thinks like an animal in the jungle. His only goal in life is to satisfy the cravings of his terrible sinful nature. Humanism caused many men to lick the boots of Hitler. The end result of humanism is the licking of the boots of the Antichrist. When man rejects God, then he will worship another man, even if that man is the devil himself.


When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, every knee will bow to Him. Every tongue will confess that “Jesus is Lord.” All of creation will worship Him. Until the Lord Jesus Christ returns, man needs to prostrate himself before the Holy God and worship Him. The greatest worship of God is studying and applying Bible doctrine at the deepest level. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” His commandments are Bible doctrine. A believer cannot keep them unless he studies the entire counsel of the Word of God at the deepest level.


In closing, Chrysostom said: “The angels glorify; men scrutinize; angels raise their voices in praise; men in disputation; They conceal their faces with their wings; but man with a presumptuous gaze would look into Thine unspeakable glory.”