Greek & Hebrew classes.
Systematic Theology classes.
Book-by-book-verse-by-verse expository teaching.
We believe that the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God declares that Jesus Christ is the Creator God of the universe who became a man to die for our sins. Salvation comes by faith alone through Christ alone. We do not "tickle the ears" of our congregation by spending time and money on skits, plays, music concerts, comedy routines, or other secular devices that have sneaked into many modern churches in an attempt to replace sound Bible teaching. The Holy Spirit does not need this kind of help. We simply pray together, sing one song, and teach book-by-book-verse-by-verse-expository teaching from the original languages. We offer Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Theology, and Bible classes to all ages. We offer once-a-week prayer meetings. We offer a daily e-mail Bible study. We believe that the family should worship together and learn together, just as they did in both the Old and New Testaments. We expect you to bring your Bible to class, take notes, and share the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God with others.