Philippians 2

The Kenosis

Christian Unity and Christ’s Humility

2:1 Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort provided by love, any fellowship in the Spirit, any affection or mercy,

All four of the "ifs" are first class conditional sentences, which should be translated as "since". The sentence should be translated as "Since there is encouragement in Christ, since there is comfort provided by love, since there is fellowship in the Spirit, and since there is affection or mercy." 

The Greek word for "encouragement" is παράκλησις (paralysis), meaning to walk by one's side in order to guide and encourage one down the right path. The noun is often used as a title of the Holy Spirit in His counselor or comforter role. Since each believer has received the work of the Holy Spirit as a counselor or comforter, then the body of Christ is united.

The Philippians also had comfort from God's love. God's love, agape love, in all believers produces spiritual unity.

Since the Holy Spirit dwells in the physical body of every believer, then the Philippians are unified by the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, through exercising 1 John 1:9.

The Greek word for "affection" is σπλάγχνα (splagxna), meaning the feelings of compassion that are inside the gut. When one has a "gut feeling" about something compassionate that they should do, then they are experiencing σπλάγχνα (splagxna). The Holy Spirit produces inner compassion and love for other members of God's family.  

2:2 complete my joy and be of the same mind, by having the same love, being united in spirit, and having one purpose.

Paul was in prison. He was joyful, but he would be more joyful if the Philippians all had the same mind set. The same mind is the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ comes from studying the entire counsel of the Word of God via a gifted pastor-teacher. Once Christians mature by studying all doctrines of the Bible, then they will have the same mind as Christ. They will be united in spirit, wanting to do the same things. They will have one single purpose, which is to glorify Christ.

2:3 Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself.

Paul warned the Philippians not to be motivated by selfish ambition. They were warned not to be conceited. Instead, they should be humble. They should treat every member in the church as more important that themselves.

There is a lot of strife and jealousy in local churches. There are basically two groups in every church. There is a group that loves the pastor and a group who hates him. Those who hate him cause strife. They try to stir up the pot and make a mountain of a mole-hill. Paul warned the Philippians not to behave in this manner.

2:4 Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well.

Others is the key word. Christ came for the sake of others. The church should exist for the sakes of others. The church is not just for selfish individuals. The church is to benefit others.

2:5 You should have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had,

The Greek word for "attitude" is φρονέω (proneow), a present active imperative verb, meaning a command to continually think and act in the same manner as Christ. Christ possessed humility. There is no man on earth who possesses humility. Man is totally depraved and evil. He does not possess humility, but he does possess pride. Man thinks that he is really something, but he is nothing. Man wants to elevate himself above everyone else. The Philippians should treat their Christian brothers in the same way that Christ would treat them. The Philippians should be humble, just like Christ was humble.

2:6 who though he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped,

The Greek word for "existed" is ὑπάρχω (huparcho), a present active participle, meaning to continually exist forever. 

The Greek word for "form" is μορφή (morphay), meaning an outward form that possesses the same essential inner substance. In other words, the Lord Jesus existed continually and forever in the same inner substance and essence of God. 

The Greek word for "regard" is ἡγέομαι (haygeomai), an aorist middle indicative verb, meaning that the subject himself did not  emphatically put as a major priority in His mind His position as being equal with God.

The Greek word for "equality" is ἴσος (isis), meaning to have the exact same inner value, level, rank, and equality. The Lord Jesus Christ has been existing continually and forever in the same exact equal image of God.

The Greek word for "to be grasped" is ἁρπαγμός *(harpagmos), which is the noun form of harpazo, meaning to seize a prize. This is the same root word as the Rapture. Basically, the Rapture means to seize a prize. The Lord Jesus Christ did not have to reach down and grab deity as a prize. He has been existing in this form forever.

The Greek in this verse dispels the Jehovah Witness claim that Jesus was a created angel. This is a false claim.

2:7 but emptied himself by taking on the form of a slave, by looking like other men, and by sharing in human nature.

The Greek word for "he emptied" is ἐκένωσεν (ekenoen).  The verb ἐκένωσεν (ekonosen) is aorist active indicative, meaning that as a onetime completed action of the past, The Lord Jesus Christ emptied himself. What did He empty?

The gnostics falsely claimed that His deity entered Him at His baptism and He emptied His deity at the cross. This is nowhere taught in Scripture. According to John 1:1, Jesus has been God for all of eternity. When Jesus was a baby in Bethlehem, He could have spoken the world out of existence.

Jesus emptied Himself of the prerogatives of deity. Theologians call this "the kenosis."  Jesus lived on this earth as a god-man with certain limitations which He placed upon himself. As the second person of the Trinity, Jesus had appeared on earth as the beautiful and brilliant Shekinah Glory. However, He gave up this splendor to come in the form of a man. Jesus still possessed all of the powers and characteristics of deity, but He refused to use them unless God the Father allowed Him to do so. Jesus joyously placed Himself under the subjection of God the Father. 

Not only did Jesus come as a man, but He came as a servant to man. This is a God who does not want to be served, but who wants to serve. There has never been a king or god with such humility. He came in the weakness of a little baby. At His arrest, He could not even be recognized until Judas kissed Him. This is the method of appearance that Jesus chose when He came down to earth. 

2:8 He humbled himself, by becoming obedient to the point of death– even death on a cross!

Death is humiliating. Dying on a cross naked is the most humiliating way that a person can die. Jesus allowed Himself to be humiliated in both of these areas. The Greco-Roman gods would have never appeared as a human and die on a cross, but Jesus did. This is an example of the humility of God.

2:9 As a result God exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name,

The mind of God is to exalt Jesus. Jesus has a name that should be exalted, but Hollywood has made His name a curse. This is a result of the satanic influence of Satan's world.

2:10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow– in heaven and on earth and under the earth –

The name of Jesus means "Jehovah is salvation". Every angel and believer in heaven will bow at the name of Jesus. Every believer and nonbeliever who survives the Great Tribulation on the earth will bow at the name of Jesus. Every unbeliever in Hell will bow at the name of Jesus. Every demon who is imprisoned in Tartarus will bow at the name of Jesus. The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Satan himself will bow at the name of Jesus.

2:11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

Notice that not every tongue will confess Jesus as Savior, but they will admit to His lordship and messiahship. Many will call Jesus Lord and perform miracles in His name. Jesus will say, "I never knew you." Many charismatics are guilty of performing miracles in the name of Jesus.

Many people sing "what a friend we have in Jesus." Jesus said, "You are my friends if you do what I command you." (John 15:14)

Lights in the World

2:12 So then, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence but even more in my absence, continue working out your salvation with awe and reverence,

The Greek word for "continue working out" is κατεργάζομαι (katergazomai), a present middle or passive participle, meaning to continually work until the salvation process is complete. The Philippians’ positional salvation was complete at the moment they believed. They were saved in the aorist tense, which is a onetime completed action of the past. They are to continue to serve God until their salvation is completed. This deals with the process of sanctification, or the spiritual growth to full maturity, of the believer.

2:13 for the one bringing forth in you both the desire and the effort – for the sake of his good pleasure – is God.

Notice that the Philippians cannot complete this salvation process on their own. They have a powerful and kind partner to assist them. God is the one who completes the salvation process and the maturity structure of His children.

God makes a general call to everyone who has ever lived. However, because man is totally depraved and evil and does not understand or seek God, then this general call will always be rejected.

In this verse, God is making an efficacious call to his elect, which cannot be rejected. This is a call to salvation. The efficacious call to the elect is so overwhelmingly strong, that man's natural inclination to rebel against God changes the individual's mind from negative to positive volition.

Jesus taught about this efficacious call in John 6:44, when he said "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up on the last day." About the natural state of man, Paul wrote that those who oppose God "must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance, leading them to a knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 2:25). The Apostle Peter wrote that "God called us by his own glory and goodness" (2 Peter 1:3). The Greek word kaleo expresses the action of God calling sinners. Whenever it is used in the participial from with God as the subject, then it refers to the efficacious call of God on sinners to salvation. It carries the idea of a sinner being drawn to God rather than simply invited to come.

Jesus said "For many are invited, but few are chosen" (Mathew 22:14). Those who are "invited" or those who will reject the general call. Those who are "chosen" are the elect who will accept the efficacious call. When Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life", then this is a general call. This call can be rejected.


2:14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 

Believers should never accept a Sunday School or leadership position in the local church if they are going to grumble.

2:15 so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without blemish though you live in a crooked and perverse society, in which you shine as lights in the world

The Philippians are to become beautiful shining lights in the dark, satanic world system.

2:16 by holding on to the word of life so that on the day of Christ I will have a reason to boast that I did not run in vain nor labor in vain.

The word of life is the written Word of God. The Day of Christ is the Rapture of the church. The Day of the Lord is the seven year Great Tribulation period that will come upon unbelievers who will be living on the earth during this future time. The Philippians can become lights to the dark satanic world system by studying and holding on to the word of life, which is Bible doctrine. Philippians cannot  become lights to the satanic world by the words of charismatic speakers in tongues, charismatic prophets, or charismatic healers. These charlatans perform miracles in the Lord’s name, but Jesus will say "I never knew you." Only the written Word of God makes lights out of believers.

2:17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice together with all of you.

In Genesis 35:14, Jacob poured out a drink offering at the pillar at Bethel. In Leviticus and Numbers, the drink offering became a part of the Mosaic Law. The drink offering was only added to the burnt offering and the meal offering. It was never added to the sin offering or the trespass offering. It had nothing to do with redemption. It had nothing to do with the Messiah to come. The Israelites would simply bring in a skin of wine and just pour it on the sacrifice which was being consumed by fire. Then, the drink offering would simply go up in steam and disappear. Paul's life was nothing but a drink offering to God.

2:18 And in the same way you also should be glad and rejoice together with me.

Only mature believers with the mind of Christ have the humility to make their lives a drink offering to Christ. Today, immature believers rejoice about the wrong things. Mature believers rejoice when Bible doctrine is being taught and learned, no matter the source. Mature believers experience a righteous anger when Bible doctrine is not taught. Time is valuable and it should be used for God's purpose. Too many churches are wasting time on the wrong things. More churches need to spend more time on teaching Bible doctrine and less time on music concerts, skits, plays, and entertainment.

Models for Ministry

2:19 Now I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be encouraged by hearing news about you.

Timothy, like Paul, possessed the mind of Christ. Timothy had enough Bible doctrine to help the Philippians mature to a higher level.

2:20 For there is no one here like him who will readily demonstrate his deep concern for you.

Timothy had the same mind of Paul, which was the mind of Christ. Timothy's mastery of Bible doctrine gave him enough agape love to be concerned about the spiritual growth of the Philippians.

2:21 Others are busy with their own concerns, not those of Jesus Christ.

Others were more concerned with their own glory. They placed their own selfish ambitions over the will of Christ. Many of them want to belittle Paul. They did this to cause strife in the church. Strife is stirring up the pot to cause division.

Whenever a believer belittles a man of God who is teaching sound doctrine at a deep level, then beware of a pot-stirrer. These words are not innocent.  Anyone who attacks a man who is teaching the Word of God is guilty of attacking Christ Himself.

2:22 But you know his qualifications, that like a son working with his father, he served with me in advancing the gospel.

When a father and son both possess the mind of Christ, then a husband and wife posses the mind of Christ, and they can work together in a very close and personal relationship that cannot be duplicated by two who are unequally yoked. A believer and an unbeliever cannot work together in harmony, because they are unequally yoked. A carnal believer and a mature believer cannot work together, because they are unequally yoked. Understanding Bible doctrine at the deepest level from the entire counsel of the Word of God produces the mind of Christ. Two working with the mind of Christ can accomplish great things in the Kingdom of God.

2:23 So I hope to send him as soon as I know more about my situation,

Paul was imprisoned by Emperor Nero. He was hoping to be released so that he could continue his ministry. Most people imprisoned by Nero were never released. However;  church tradition says that Paul was released and he continued a very fruitful ministry. He may have even visited Philippi. Timothy was going to wait for the verdict and then bring the news to Philippi.

2:24 though I am confident in the Lord that I too will be coming to see you soon.

Paul was confident in the Lord that he would be released. The Bible never recorded this release, but it must have occurred since he was later imprisoned again. 2 Timothy was written during this later imprisonment.

2:25 But for now I have considered it necessary to send Epaphroditus  to you.  For he is my brother, co-worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to me in my need.

Epaphroditus was the pastor at Philippi. He also had the mind of Christ. Paul had founded the church at Philippi, but Epaphroditus was not jealous of him. Epaphroditus was the spiritual brother of Paul. He would not betray or belittle Paul. Epaphroditus was a fellow soldier with Paul, meaning that he would not stick a knife in his back. Epaprhoditus was the messenger of Philippi. He would take and receive messages from Paul's apostolic authority to Phillipi. Epaphroditus ministered to Paul while he was in prison, meaning that he served him. Epaphroditus could do all of these things, only because he had the mind of Christ.

2:26 Indeed, he greatly missed all of you and was distressed because you heard that he had been ill.

Satan will often attack pastors with illnesses who teach the Word of God so that they cannot teach sound Bible doctrine.

2:27 In fact he became so ill that he nearly died. But God showed mercy to him – and not to him only, but also to me – so that I would not have grief on top of grief.

God has numbered the days of all of his children. God's children are immortal until He calls them home. God was kind to Epaphroditus and to Paul. God desired both of them to continue their ministries so he healed Epaphroditus.

There are many sincere believers who think that Christians are not to be sick, and they are to trust God to heal them. Notice that Paul had the gift of healing, he needed Epaphroditus, and Epaphridotus almost died. Neither did Paul heal Timothy when he had stomach trouble, or Trophimus in Miletim whom he left sick. Paul prayed, and God healed them. There was no faith healer involved. As the New Testament ended completion, the emphasis was now moving away from the apostles and back to the Great Physician.

2:28 Therefore I am all the more eager to send him, so that when you see him again you can rejoice and I can be free from anxiety.

The church at Philippi had been mourning instead of rejoicing, so Paul sent Epaphroditus back to them.

2:29 So welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor people like him,

The Philippians were to love their pastor, just as the modern church should love a pastor who faithfully teaches the entire counsel of the Word of God. These types of pastor-teachers are to be honored and respected.

2:30 since it was because of the work of Christ that he almost died. He risked his life so that he could make up for your inability to serve me.

Epaphroditus risked his life for the work of Christ, because he had the mind of Christ. The church today needs more men like Paul, Timothy, and Epahroditus.