Church History
Note to reader: Yes, we know that there is no Revelation 23 in the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God. No, we are not claiming that this chapter is inspired, inerrant. infallible, and equal to Scripture. Revelation 23 is simply the title of the YEBC study of church history. Therefore, this chapter is more of an appendix of the history of the dispensation of the church age. The church age is ongoing and still incomplete, but this dispensation will be completed when the Lord Jesus Christ returns for the Rapture of the church.
-6000? Acts 17:11 Before studying church history, the entire counsel of the Word of God must be studied at the deepest level from the original languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek).
-6000? 2 Timothy 2:15 The Bible must be studied with proper hermeneutics. "If the plain sense of Scripture makes sense, then seek no other sense."
-6000? Acts 17:28 To understand church history, secular world history must be mastered from a biblical point of view.
-6000? 1 Corinthians 2:14 There are only two ways of understanding the truth of creation, by either (1) revelation or (2) speculation.
-6000? John 1:1 The Big Bang theory is speculation and scientifically impossible, because 0 x 0 = 0. Always!
-6000? Isaiah 46:9-10 The Bible is revelation and scientifically provable by the 3000 prophecies contained in the Old Testament. Only God knows the future, as well as the past.
-6000? Genesis 1:1 The first verse of the Bible refutes atheism, agnosticism, evolutionism, polytheism, dualism, and animism.
-6000? According to the Hebrew waw-disjunction in Genesis 1:2, the age of the earth cannot be determined.
-6000 The languages of the world were confused at the Tower of Babel.