34:1 Come near, you nations, and listen! Pay attention, you people! The earth and everything it contains must listen, the world and everything that lives in it.
Isaiah looked forward into the distant future of the Great Tribulation. The Hebrew word for "earth" is הָאָ֙רֶץ֙ (ha-eretz), meaning the inhabitants of the earth. Jehovah invited all of the inhabitants of the earth to come near and hear His new message.
34:2 For the Lord is angry at all the nations and furious with all their armies. He will annihilate them and slaughter them.
Jehovah will be angry at the Gentiles, because they will gather together against the Jews for the Battle of Armageddon. He will annihilate all of the Gentile armies of the world who come against Israel.
The Hebrew word for “annihilate” is הֶחֱרִימָ֖ם (hi-herimam), meaning those who have been devoted to destruction. This is the same הֶחֱרִימָ֖ם (hi-herimam) curse which was placed upon Jericho. If anyone attempts to touch or help these wicked Gentile nations, then they will receive this same הֶחֱרִימָ֖ם (hi-herimam) curse as well.
34:3 Their slain will be left unburied, their corpses will stink; the hills will soak up their blood.
The dead bodies of the Gentile armies will rot on the ground. The decomposed bodes will create a great stench. Their blood will be so massive that it will run like water, causing soil erosion. This verse is a description of Revelation 14:19-20, where the blood water flows to the height of the horse's neck.
34:4 All the stars in the sky will fade away, the sky will roll up like a scroll; all its stars will wither, like a leaf withers and falls from a vine or a fig withers and falls from a tree.
According to Job 15:15 and Hebrews 9:23, sin has polluted the heavens. Catastrophic events in the sky will accompany the Messiah’s return to the earth to establish His Millennial Kingdom.
34:5 He says, “Indeed, my sword has slaughtered heavenly powers. Look, it now descends on Edom, on the people I will annihilate in judgment.”
Edom today is in southern Jordan. According to the Book of Obadiah, Edom is a cursed race. The Edomites will be exterminated during the Great Tribulation. No Edomites will enter into the Millennial Kingdom.
34:6 The Lord’s sword is dripping with blood, it is covered with fat; it drips with the blood of young rams and goats and is covered with the fat of rams’ kidneys. For the Lord is holding a sacrifice in Bozrah, a bloody slaughter in the land of Edom.
Jehovah is offering the Edomites on the altar of Bozrah. Bozrah is Petra. The Jewish-believing remnant will hide from the Antichrist in Petra.
It is important to note that Jesus will not return until the Jews cry out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” The Goat Gentile nations will attempt to commit genocide on the believing Jewish remnant so that the Jews cannot make this call for their Messiah. The Goat Gentiles will violate the Abrahamic Covenant and receive the kind-for-kind curse of the Abrahamic Covenant. Instead of the believing Jews being exterminated from the earth, it’s the unbelieving Gentiles who attack the Jews who will be exterminated out of the earth. The Goat Gentiles will attempt genocide on the Jews, but God will commit genocide on the Goat Gentiles.
34:7 Wild oxen will be slaughtered along with them, as well as strong bulls. Their land is drenched with blood, their soil is covered with fat.
The Goat Gentiles will be slaughtered like oxen. Their blood will cover their land.
34:8 For the Lord has planned a day of revenge, a time when he will repay Edom for her hostility toward Zion.
The Edomites descended from Esau. They were the twin brother of Jacob (Israel). Esau gave away the birthright of the Messiah for a bowl of stew. The Edomites had more light than anyone, yet they rejected it. They should have been brothers to Israel, but they became bitter enemies. Therefore, Edom will receive greater judgment.
34:9 Edom’s streams will be turned into pitch and her soil into brimstone; her land will become burning pitch.
During the Millennial Kingdom, Edom (like Babylon) will become a burning wasteland.
34:10 Night and day it will burn; its smoke will ascend continually. Generation after generation it will be a wasteland and no one will ever pass through it again.
During the Millennial Kingdom, Edom will burn continually for 1,000 years.
34:11 Owls and wild animals will live there, all kinds of wild birds will settle in it. The Lord will stretch out over her the measuring line of ruin and the plumb line of destruction.
During the Millennial Kingdom, there will be no human inhabitants in Edom. The Hebrew words for “owls,” “wild animals,” and “wild birds” are unclear, so translators must guess at their meaning. Most translators are liberal, so they incorrectly mistranslate them as various animals. There are no known animals who can live for 1,000 years in a continual burning wasteland, so these creatures must be demons.
34:12 Her nobles will have nothing left to call a kingdom and all her officials will disappear.
The nobles of Edom elect their kings by a voting process. Since all of the nobles of Edom will die, there will be no one left around to elect the next Edomite king. There will be no Edomite nation in the Millennial Kingdom.
34:13 Her fortresses will be overgrown with thorns; thickets and weeds will grow in her fortified cities. Jackals will settle there; ostriches will live there.
The palace of the Edomites will become a wasteland of thorns and thistles. The Hebrew word for “jackals” and “ostriches” is unclear. Liberals mistranslate these beings into different animals, but animals cannot live for 1,000 years in a burning wasteland. These are more demons with animal characteristics.
34:14 Wild animals and wild dogs will congregate there; wild goats will bleat to one another. Yes, nocturnal animals will rest there and make for themselves a nest.
The Hebrew for “wild animals” and “wild dogs” are also all unclear. Since no known animals can live in a burning wasteland, then these beings must also be demons.
The Hebrew word for “wild goats” is שָׂעִיר (sahir), meaning demons in goat form. This is the same word used for demons in Babylon. The demons in Babylon will also live for 1,000 years in a burning wasteland. Therefore, demons will be imprisoned in Edom and Babylon during the Millennial Kingdom for 1,000 literal years.
34:15 Owls will make nests and lay eggs there; they will hatch them and protect them. Yes, hawks will gather there, each with its mate.
The “owls” and “hawks” are demons with animal characteristics as well.
34:16 Carefully read the scroll of the Lord! Not one of these creatures will be missing, none will lack a mate. For the Lord has issued the decree, and his own spirit gathers them.
Jehovah has decreed that these demons will live in Edom for 1,000 years.
34:17 He assigns them their allotment; he measures out their assigned place. They will live there permanently; they will settle in it through successive generations.
Jehovah appointed these demons to live in Edom throughout the Millennial Kingdom. At the end of the Millennial Kingdom, they will all be thrown into the Lake of Fire.