29:1 The one who stiffens his neck after numerous rebukes will suddenly be destroyed without remedy.
A man who lacks strong Bible doctrine will become stubborn and stiff-necked. He will ignore repeated rebukes and eventually destroy himself.
29:2 When the righteous become numerous, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.
The citizens rejoice underneath a political leader who possesses strong Bible doctrine, because they are prosperous. The citizens moan underneath a political leader who does not possess strong Bible doctrine, because they must hide from his oppression. It seems as though hate crimes have been created by evil political leaders in order to oppress those who believe in the written Word of God.
29:3 The man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father, but whoever associates with prostitutes wastes his wealth.
The man who loves strong Bible doctrine brings joy to his father. The boy has demonstrated that his father possessed strong biblical parenting skills. The man who associates with prostitutes is wasting his money.
29:4 A king brings stability to a land by justice, but one who exacts tribute tears it down.
Justice brings a nation stability. A leader who overtaxes his people will bring the nation down. Jeroboam was the arch-duke of Solomon. When Jeroboam became king, he must have known this proverb which was taught by his father. However, Jeroboam foolishly listened to the advice of his younger counselors and the kingdom of Israel became a divided monarchy.
29:5 The one who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his steps.
Flattery is smooth talk which deceives one into stepping into harm’s way. Those who listen to flattery will be caught in a net.
29:6 In the transgression of an evil person there is a snare, but a righteous person can sing and rejoice.
The evil actions of evil man will boomerang upon them and catch them in their own snares. The one who possesses strong Bible doctrine can sing and rejoice, because he will not make these same kinds of mistakes.
29:7 The righteous person cares for the legal rights of the poor; the wicked does not understand such knowledge.
The man with strong Bible doctrine wants to create laws to protect the poor. The wicked does not possess enough Bible doctrine to be concerned about the poor. He desires to pass laws which protect his wealth and power.
29:8 Scornful people inflame a city, but those who are wise turn away wrath.
Scornful people are those who lack Bible doctrine They mock its divine origin. They mock the moral restraints which are placed upon them. They foolishly incite city rebellions against the government.
Those who possess strong Bible doctrine will turn away from wrath. They will not spend their time being angry at things which they cannot control. They will turn a city away from seeking wrath on others.
29:9 If a wise person goes to court with a foolish person, there is no peace whether he is angry or laughs.
A wise person is one who knows and understands Bible doctrine. A fool is one who is void of Bible doctrine. If they go to court together, then there will be no peace between them. The wise person will make decisions based upon the divine viewpoint, while the fool will make decisions based upon the human viewpoint. The wise man will use biblical logic, while the fool will count upon his emotions.
29:10 Bloodthirsty people hate someone with integrity; as for the upright, they seek his life.
Those who do not possess Bible doctrine (the fools) will hate those who possess Bible doctrine (the wise). The fools will attempt to commit violent and life-taking acts against the wise. The wise will be protected by God the Father. If God did not protect those with strong Bible doctrine, then the fools would rise up against the wise and attempt to exterminate every one of them. Sometimes God may call some of the wise to give up their life as a martyr. Martyrdom is a tremendous testimony to those who are fighting in the angelic warfare.
29:11 A fool lets fly with all his temper, but a wise person keeps it back.
One who lacks Bible doctrine does not have enough spiritual maturity to hold his temper. The one who possesses strong Bible doctrine will be mature enough to hold his tongue.
29:12 If a ruler listens to lies, all his ministers will be wicked.
If a ruler listens to liars, then he will inherit an evil counseling staff which is devoid of divine viewpoint.
29:13 The poor person and the oppressor have this in common:
the Lord gives light to the eyes of them both.
The poor and the oppressors are opposites in morality. However, God has given them both the insight to see their differences.
29:14 If a king judges the poor in truth, his throne will be established forever.
God secures the throne of kings who take care of the poor.
29:15 A rod and reproof impart wisdom, but a child who is unrestrained brings shame to his mother.
If a child is to learn divine viewpoint, then he must receive the rod along with verbal correction (Bible doctrine). If a child is not disciplined by both the rod and verbal correction (Bible doctrine), then he will bring shame to his mother. He will grow up, become rebellious towards God, and demonstrate to the world that his parents did not possess the biblical parenting skills to raise strong children.
29:16 When the wicked increase, transgression increases, but the righteous will see their downfall.
When evil leaders rule a nation, then sin is encouraged. However, those with strong Bible doctrine will live to see their downfall.
29:17 Discipline your child, and he will give you rest; he will bring you happiness.
The Hebrew word for “discipline” is יָסַר (yasar), meaning moral discipline or correction. The Hebrew word for “rest” is מַעֲדַנִּים (maahdanim), meaning royal dainties (or treats for a king). When a child receives Bible doctrine, then he will give “treats fit for a king” to his parents. The child will make his parents happy, because he demonstrated publicly that his parents possessed strong biblical parenting skills.
29:18 When there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but the one who keeps the law, blessed is he!
The prophetic vision is God’s written word. When people do not receive God’s word, then they perish. Those people who do receive God’s word and keep it will be blessed.
29:19 A servant cannot be corrected by words, for although he understands, there is no answer.
Servants are employees. If servants lack Bible doctrine, then mere words will not correct them. The servant understands the commands of his master, but these commands cause the servant to remain silent and unaffected.
29:20 Do you see someone who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
One who does not possess strong Bible doctrine will foolishly speak often without thinking.
29:21 If someone pampers his servant from youth, he will be a weakling in the end.
If one pampers a new servant, then he will turn out to be a weak employee.
29:22 An angry person stirs up dissension, and a wrathful person is abounding in transgression.
A person who is devoid of Bible doctrine will quickly and often lose his temper. He will say words that should not be spoken. He may curse or insult others. He may blaspheme the name of God. He will become rude. He will lack kindness and compassion. He will become cruel and oppressive. He will become filled with pride and arrogance.
29:23 A person’s pride will bring him low, but one who has a lowly spirit will gain honor.
When a person attempts to elevate himself above others, then he actually brings himself low. When a person humbles himself, he will be lifted up by others.
29:24 Whoever shares with a thief is his own enemy; he hears the oath to testify, but does not talk.
The accomplice of a thief becomes his own worst enemy. If called to court, then he must either lie, implicate himself, or remain silent. If he lies, then he commits perjury and he sins against God. If he speaks the truth, then he must implicate himself. If he says nothing, then he is assumed guilty.
29:25 The fear of people becomes a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord will be set on high.
Those who possess strong Bible doctrine fear God, but not people.
29:26 Many people seek the face of a ruler, but it is from the Lord that one receives justice.
Many people will attempt to seek justice from a ruler by getting on his good side, but there is no guarantee that they will receive justice. It is better to seek justice from the Lord instead of man.
29:27 An unjust person is an abomination to the righteous, and the one who lives an upright life is an abomination to the wicked.
One who masters Bible doctrine will detest the one who hates Bible doctrine. One who is void of Bible doctrine will detest one who masters Bible doctrine. There is no such concept as tolerance. Either the Bible is right and man is wrong, or man is wrong and the Bible is right. There is no compromise on these two absolutes. No one can sit on the fence. Everyone must choose one side or the other. If one refuses to choose and decides to walk the fence, then God will knock him off. Every man must choose one of these absolutes.