30:1 The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh; an oracle: This man says to Ithiel, to Ithiel and to Ukal:
The Hebrew word for “Agur” means “gatherer.” Jakeh means “pious.” Ithiel means “God with me.” Ukal means “overcomer.” No one knows the identity of Agur or these other three men. The Jewish rabbi and the early church fathers claimed that Agur was Solomon, but there is no internal Scriptural evidence for this speculation.
The Hebrew word for “oracle” is מַשָּׂא (masa), meaning a heavy message which will be difficult to carry. Agur will deliver a heavy message to these three unknown men.
30:2 Surely I am more brutish than any other human being,
and I do not have human understanding;
The Hebrew word for “brutish: is בָּ֫עַר (baar), meaning to be dull-minded, senseless, or stupid like an animal. Agur stated that he had less than human understanding about spiritual matters.
30:3 I have not learned wisdom, nor do I have knowledge of the Holy One.
Agur has not learned Bible doctrine, because he does not know the mind of God.
30:4 Who has ascended into heaven, and then descended? Who has gathered up the winds in his fists? Who has bound up the waters in his cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name?—if you know!
Agur asked six questions in the form of a riddle. The only answer to all six of these questions is God (although the sixth question is not to be answered until the New Testament). First, only God can go up to heaven and down to earth. Second, only God can control the winds. Third, only God can bind up all of the waters of the earth in His cloak. Fourth, only God can establish the ends of the earth. Fifth, since the time of Abraham, God’s name was known as Jehovah (or Yahweh). Sixth, Agur asked the end riddle. What was the name of God’s Son? Proverbs 2 revealed twice that God had a Son, but no one knew the name of this Son. The name of God’s Son will not be revealed until the New Testament.
30:5 Every word of God is purified; he is like a shield for those who take refuge in him.
The only way to know God is through the written Word of God. The Hebrew word for “purified” is צָרַף (tsaraf), meaning to burn all of the impurities out of gold. The written Word of God is the only pure truth on earth. Everything else contains impurities. All of the philosophies of the world are nothing but truth mixed with error. Those who take refuge in God are protected by God. Satan could do nothing to Job, because God had placed a hedge around him which could not be penetrated. Satan had to ask God to take the hedge down so that he could attack Job. God only allowed the attack on His conditions. This satanic attack benefited not only Job, but it was also a lesson to those who are fighting in the invisible angelic warfare.
30:6 Do not add to his words, lest he reprove you, and prove you to be a liar.
If anyone adds to the written Word of God, then God calls them a liar. Modern day charismatic prophets, popes, tongues, words of knowledge, and extra-Biblical literature are all additions to the Word of God. They are all lies, which are mixed with truth and error. The Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Watchtower Magazine, and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy are all a lie, because they all add to the written Scriptures. The prophecies, words of knowledge, and tongues of charismatic are all lies, because they add to the written Scriptures. When a person writes about angels visiting him, God visiting him, or a near-death experience, then these are all lies, because they are adding to the written Scriptures.
Satan and his demons are masters of deception. They will speak to Catholics though the Pope. They will speak to charismatics through prophecies, tongues, and words of knowledge. The will speak to children though ouijji boards. They will speak to cults and isms through the words and extra-biblical literature of their leaders. They will speak to the local church through the pulpit. They will disguise themselves as angels, spirit guides, or intellects from outer space and encourage others to write books about their experiences. They will even disguise themselves as God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. Many of the modern books written about angel or divine visitations are nothing but demonic deceptions. These demons cleverly mix truth with error and deceive those who are not grounded in the entire counsel of the Word of God.
30:7 Two things I ask from you; do not refuse me before I die:
Agur prayed for two things before he died.
30:8 Remove falsehood and lies far from me; do not give me poverty or riches, feed me with my allotted portion of bread,
Agur prayed for protection from lying. He prayed that he would be neither poor nor rich. Middle class was his wish.
30:9 lest I become satisfied and act deceptively and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I become poor and steal and demean the name of my God.
If Agur was rich, then he might forget about the Lord. If he was poor, then he might steal and dishonor God’s character.
30:10 Do not slander a servant to his master, lest he curse you, and you are found guilty.
Agur warned his readers not to meddle in the domestic affairs of others.
30:11 There is a generation who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers.
Agur warned against cursing one’s parents.
30:12 There is a generation who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not washed from their filthiness.
Agur warned against thinking that one was pure in his own eyes. As Jesus said, “Only God is good.” Everyone else is unclean and needs a Savior. The written Word of God cleanses the souls of dirty people. People who do not bathe in the Word of God daily are filthy and stinky, yet they think they smell like perfume. The only kind of soap which will cleanse this type of thought life is the written Word of God.
30:13 There is a generation whose eyes are so lofty, and whose eyelids are lifted up disdainfully.
Agur warned against being haughty or arrogant. Those who elevate their human opinions above the written Word of God are haughty and arrogant. Those who do not think that they need to study the Word of God on a daily basis or haughty and arrogant.
30:14 There is a generation whose teeth are like swords and whose molars are like knives to devour the poor from the earth and the needy from among the human race.
Those who oppress the poor are like vicious beasts that devour the poor with their sharp teeth. Agur warned others not to oppress the poor.
30:15 The leech has two daughters: “Give! Give!” There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, “Enough”—
Agur warned that greedy people are like leeches who want to suck the blood out of the poor. Greedy people can never satisfy their lust for material things.
30:16 the grave, the barren womb, land that is not satisfied with water, and fire that never says, “Enough!”
The grave is never satisfied. It wants more dead bodies. The barren womb is never satisfied. It wants more children. The land is never satisfied. It always thirsts for more rain. The fire is never satisfied. It wants to burn everything in its path. Like these four examples from nature, greed always desires more.
30:17 The eye that mocks at a father and despises obeying a mother— the ravens of the valley will peck it out and the young vultures will eat it.
An arrogant child who disrespects his parents should die in the open valley and allow vultures to eat his flesh. If an arrogant child is allowed to grow up and become an adult, then he will cause sorrow, tragedy, and death to many others.
30:18 There are three things that are too wonderful for me, four that I do not understand:
Agur is going to make a list of some wonderful things which are difficult for man to understand.
30:19 the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship in the sea, and the way of a man with a woman. 20 This is the way of an adulterous woman: she eats and wipes her mouth and says, “I have not done wrong.”
Agur used four natural analogies to describe hypocrisy. First, an eagle leaves no trail in the air. Second, a snake leaves no trail on the rock. Third, a ship leaves no trail in the sea. Fourth, a man leaves no trail after he sleeps with a virgin. All four of these actions are concealed and illustrate the hypocrisy of the adulterous woman who hides her shame while professing, “I have not done anything wrong.”
30:21 Under three things the earth trembles, and under four things it cannot bear up: 30:22 under a servant who becomes king, under a fool who is stuffed with food, 30:23 under an unloved woman who is married, and under a female servant who dispossesses her mistress.
Agur listed three hyperboles which make the earth tremble.
First, when a servant becomes a king, the people will tremble because of his inexperience and fast rise to power. His inexperience will cause him to make weak political decisions which weaken the nation. His fast rise to power will absolutely corrupt him, making him a danger to the people.
Second, when a fool is stuffed with food, then he does not possess enough Bible doctrine to understand that he is responsible for feeding himself. He will expect more free food. He will work less, demand more food, and become a burden to society. This is why it is unbiblical for the modern church to feed those outside of their own congregation. They will not only be feeding lazy people, but they will be feeding soldiers of the satanic world system. These satanic soldiers will use their time and energy to fight against other believers. When a beggar asked Peter for money, Peter did not give him money. He gave the beggar the gospel. When a beggar asks for money, the question that the believer should ask is “Are you a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you belong to a local church? If so, then why are they not taking care of their own? If not, then have you asked the people of the satanic world system to feed you?”
Third, when a woman is married and unloved, then it will cause problems in the household. Jacob loved Rachel, but he tolerated Leah. Leah caused many problems in that household. However, God turned these problems into good. The twelve tribes of Israel came from the Rachel-Leah conflicts. Although these twelve tribes have rejected God and even their Messiah, they will eventually call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to return. The Lord Jesus Christ will not return and establish the Millennial Kingdom until He hears this call.
Fourth, when a female servant replaces her mistress, then she will cause more problems in the home. She does not know how to lead and direct others. Hagar gave Sarah so many problems, that Sarah had to dismiss her. Hagar gave birth to Ishmael. The Ishmaelites became the Arabian enemies of Israel. Israel and the Arabs of the Middle East are still fighting to this day.
30:24 There are four things on earth that are small, but they are exceedingly wise: 30:25 ants are creatures with little strength, but they prepare their food in the summer; 30:26 rock badgers are creatures with little power, but they make their homes in the crags; 30:27 locusts have no king, but they all go forward by ranks; 30:28 a lizard you can catch with the hand, but it gets into the palaces of the king.
Agur demonstrated from the animal world how good things come in small packages. First, ants are small, but they have enough foresight to provide insurance for themselves. Therefore, it is Biblical for believers to buy insurance.
Second, rock badgers are not strong enough to defend themselves, but they are wise enough to seek safety in the mountain rocks. Believers need a safe place to call home.
Third, locusts have no leader, but they can devastate crops. Believers need to band together and become a force against the satanic world system.
Fourth, lizards are small and can be easily captured, yet they are found in the palaces of kings. Believers need to be politically involved. If God will take care of the needs of these small animals, then He will certainly take care of the needs of His people.
30:29 There are three things that are magnificent in their step, four things that move about magnificently: 30:30 a lion, mightiest of the beasts, who does not retreat from anything; 30:31 a strutting rooster, a male goat, and a king with his army around him.
In contrast with the small creatures, man can also learn some spiritual concepts from the larger creatures.
First, a lion does not retreat from anything. Believers need the courage of the lion to stand up against the deceptive forces of the satanic world system.
Second, a rooster struts, because it is confident. Believers need to place their confidence in serving the Lord.
Third, the male goat is ready to head-butt anyone who enters his territory. Believers need to aggressively hold their territory.
Fourth, a king is confident when he is surrounded by his army. The believer who is doing the will of God is surrounded by an invisible angelic army.
30:32 If you have done foolishly by exalting yourself or if you have planned evil, put your hand over your mouth! 30:33 For as the churning of milk produces butter and as punching the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife.
Agur contrasted the animals that strut their pride with humans who play the fool by strutting their own pride. If a human foolishly exalts himself; or, if a human plans evil, then he needs to place his hand over his mouth. This means that this foolish person needs to remain silent and quit causing trouble. Just as the churning of milk produces butter and the punching of a nose causes blood, then stirring up anger causes trouble.