A thanksgiving psalm. 


The author is unknown. Psalms 95-100 are all songs which praise God during his future Millennial reign. Psalm 100 is the final song of the six praise songs. This is a song of thanksgiving to God.


100:1 Shout out praises to the Lord, all the earth! 


In modern society, all of the earth is not shouting out praises to Jehovah. During the Millennial Kingdom, the earth will be filled with believers. They will shout out praises to Jehovah. Most people do not praise Jehovah enough.


100:2 Worship the Lord with joy! Enter his presence with joyful singing! 


Modern churches today are not worshiping Jehovah with joy. Most modern Christians are so long-faced and sad, that they attend churches with droopy faces. These carnal Christians need sound Bible doctrine from the original languages of the entire written counsel of the Word of God, but they choose a more shallow church which makes their carnal attitude feel good. They prefer a church with hip-hop music, entertainment, lots of people, lots of excitement, and smooth and encouraging words.


Instead, the psalmist declares that one should worship Jehovah with joy. One should enter worship with singing. One should joyfully learn the mind of Christ at the deepest level. Modern Christians will often groan and complain when the pastor-teacher teaches book-by-book, verse-by-verse from the original languages. They want the pastor-teacher to dumb down the teaching so that they can continue to be lazy in their studies. 


Instead of being lazy in their studies, the congregation should study more so that they can then enjoy the deepest teachings of the Word of God. If a pastor is teaching over the head of the congregation, then this is the fault of the congregation and not the pastor-teacher. The lazy pastor-teacher will not teach from the original languages, it is too much work. The lazy church member will not study from the original languages, he is too lazy to commit to this type of discipleship. He would rather frolic in the things of the satanic world system. Study from the original languages brings joy to the mature believer, but misery to the carnal believer.


In conclusion, pastor-teachers need to joyfully teach at the deepest level. The congregation needs to joyfully study at the deepest level. Anything less is a sin against God. The lack of Bible study will produce Christians with droopy faces. Bible study at the deepest level will produce happy Christians who love to worship the Lord. True worship is studying and applying Bible doctrine at the highest level.


100:3 Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 


Atheists, agnostics, evolutionists, feminists, homosexuals, lesbians, cults, and isms will not acknowledge God. Their totally and depraved sinful nature has caused them to harden their intellect. They become arrogant in their thinking.  They think that they know more than God. They elevate their human intellect above the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God. They reject a book which they have never read. They are hooked into the godless philosophies of other atheists, but they do not have enough Bible doctrine to see the fallacies of their argument. Instead of listening to atheists, they should pray and ask God to reveal the truth to them. He will answer those who call upon Him. 


Deep inside the intellect of mankind, there are no atheists. There are calloused individuals; but the Holy Spirit can peel off this callousness of the soul. 


It is foolishness to think that nothing created everything. This is not science, but faith. It is a foolish faith which cannot be tested in a laboratory. God created all things, including atheists. Atheists are fools who have rejected God. They will not acknowledge God, but they will teach that nothing exploded into billions of galaxies. This is ridiculous thinking which comes out of the minds of calloused individuals. The only logical conclusion is that God made everyone and everything.


Not only did God make everyone, but everyone belongs to God. The majority of people do not want to belong to God. They hate Him so much, that they would rather belong to Satan. God sends all men a general call to salvation. The point of this general call is that God is the better choice than Satan, but the total depravity of man causes him to reject this general call. Therefore, most people choose Satan, so God hands them over to their first love. If God did not pick and choose some to believe, then God would lose the entire human race to Satan. Evil men will always reject God and follow an evil, created being. Since everyone on earth would choose to worship Satan, then God must pick out some people for salvation. Otherwise, every man would be lost. There would be no one to populate heaven.


God is the Shepherd. Israel is the sheep. Jesus said that He has “other sheep,” meaning the believing Gentiles. Sheep are dumb animals. They would walk off of a cliff if they did not possess a watchful shepherd. The wolves are the Gentile nations which are under the control of Satan. The wolves wish to devour the sheep. The sheep are too weak to fight off the wolves. The sheep have no fangs, no claws, no armor, no wings, no strength, no intelligence, no great eyesight, or no fast feet to avoid the wolves. They must trust in their Great Shepherd to save them.


100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give him thanks! Praise his name! 


During the Millennial Kingdom, King Messiah will rule from Jerusalem. When future believers enter the gates of the Millennial Jerusalem, they are commanded to enter with thanksgiving. The only reason they are able to enter these gates is because God chose them to become a part of His kingdom in eternity past.  The believers on the earth need to acknowledge God’s kindness for choosing them and thank God for making them part of His kingdom. God’s name, or character, is also to be praised.


100:5 For the Lord is good. His loyal love endures, and he is faithful through all generations.


Man lives in an evil satanic world system, so that he can experience the concepts of good and bad. Man would not even  know that God is good, unless he experiences bad. Any man who lives in the satanic world system knows that God is good, so he has no excuse. 


Man cannot understand loyal love unless he understand loyal hate. Satan hates mankind and attempts to destroy him with false doctrine. False doctrine comes from many deceptive resources. False doctrine can send a man to the Lake of Fire for eternity. Satan is very loyal to this ideology of hate.


God loves man and attempts to protect him from false doctrine. The only protection of man from false doctrine is the study of Bible doctrine from the entire the counsel of the written Word of God. God loves man with a loyal love, so He gives him Bible doctrine.


God has been faithful from all generations. He has pulled out His own children from all peoples and nations all throughout history. Satan has been trying to destroy God’s elect. God has been protecting, feeding, teaching, and sanctifying God’s elect. The angelic conflict is real, but invisible. God is faithful to His own sheep. The goats are faithful to their father, the devil.