113:1 Praise the Lord! Praise, you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! 


The author is unknown. Psalms 113–118 form the Egyptian Hallel songs. Hallel means “Praise God.” These songs were sung during the Jewish festivals and on holy days. Psalms 113-114 were sung before the meal on Passover. Psalms 115-118 were sang after the meal. Jesus sang these songs on Passover with His disciples.


In the satanic world system, the God of the universe is not being praised today. He is often being used as a curse word. When things go bad in life, those of the satanic world system like to blasphemously shout out “Jesus Christ!” This is taking the Lord’s name in vain.


The servants of the Lord are those who master and apply Bible doctrine at the deepest level. They do not mind praising the Lord, because they possess enough Bible doctrine to know that He deserves it. The name of the Lord” is His character.


113:2 May the Lord’s name be praised now and forevermore!


The character of the Lord should be praised continually. The Lord does not need man’s praise, but man needs to praise the Lord. Praise helps man see his desperate condition in the satanic world system. If left alone, no man would be saved. Satan would run this universe. All men would be enslaved. God must be involved in man’s life, or man has no chance of escaping a supernatural slavery where there is no escape. Therefore, God should be praised, so that man can be reminded on the differences between deity and humanity.


113:3 From east to west the Lord’s name is deserving of praise.


Everyone in all of the world should praise the character of Jehovah.


113:4 The Lord is exalted over all the nations; his splendor reaches beyond the sky.


Jehovah is not just the God of the Hebrews. He is not just a local deity, like the gods of Canaan, Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon. He is the sovereign Creator God over all of the nations.


113:5 Who can compare to the Lord our God, who sits on a high throne?


The local deities cannot compare to God, because they are just demons who are disguised as gods. The cults and isms cannot compare to God either. They are just a mixture of truth and error. The Jesus of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism, and Jehovah's Witnesses is not the same Jesus of the Bible.


113:6 He bends down to look at the sky and the earth.


God is so great and so elevated above all of creation, that He must stoop down to look at the heavens and the earth. 


113:7 He raises the poor from the dirt, and lifts up the needy from the garbage pile, 113:8 that he might seat him with princes, with the princes of his people.


The satanic world system despises the poor. Hinduism was the first major religion. They placed the poor in a social class called “the untouchables” where there was no escape. The untouchable were supposed to be people in former lives who were so evil, that they were reincarnated into a social class of poverty. Society would have nothing to do with them.


Jehovah loves the poor. He lifts them up to do great things. The poor may not have many material things in this life, but they will have peace on earth and rewards in heaven. There is no peace for the wicked.


All believers are children of God. Since God is the king of the Universe, then all of His children are little princes and princesses. One day, the saints will co-reign with the Lord Jesus Christ. Saints will be running 5-10 cities during the Millennial Kingdom.


113:9 He makes the barren woman of the family a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord!


Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel were all at one time barren. Their barrenness was a threat to the Abrahamic Covenant. However, God moved in their behalf and continued the messianic seed. All of these mothers were blessed by God. Through their seed came the Messiah. All nations were blessed through the messianic seed of these one-time barren women.